Dear friends in Australia, The upcoming annual conference IGNSS will take a close look at the role of PNT in automated land and aerial vehicles, the growing range of commercial precise positioning services and provide GNSS constellation updates. More details, click here . Meet Tersus GNSS at IGNSS 2018 in Sydney Tersus is looking forward to the opportunity to take part in IGNSS 2018 and meeting you there with our latest GNSS product showcase. Sessions will cover the following topics and more: Autonomy on land, air and sea Aviation and Avionics Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems Machine Guidance in Agriculture, Construction and Mining Maritime Applications Unmanned Aerial Systems National Positioning Infrastructure Policies and Standards SBAS and Other Augmentations Datums and Geodesy National and International GNSS Developments Emerging Application Areas for GNSS Key Industries and their Reliance on GNSS Embracing the Multi-GNSS Era Alternatives...
Tersus GNSS - Right to the Point