Precis-BX305 board can be integrated with autopilots. In this article, the connecting to Pixhawk flight control is used as an example. A cable is used to connect the COM1 port of Precis-BX305 board and the GPS port of the Pixhawk. It is noticed that the GPS port need a 6pin PicoBlade connector while the COM1 port is a 5pin PicoBlade connector. The pin definition of the Pixhawk GPS port is listed in Table 1. With regarding to the power consumption, we recommend using external power sources. Please also pay attention to the baud rate setting of Pixhawk as the default baud rate of Precis-BX305 board is 115200. The Pixhawk can only recognize the NMEA sentence with GP NMEA talker. Incorrect NMEA talker configuration may cause connection failure. Then you need to mount the GNSS antenna and tether the board on your vehicle. Please beware of following instructions when you mount the GNSS antenna to your drone. â– Place the module on the outside of your vehicle (in an...
Tersus GNSS - Right to the Point